
A remarkable diversity
in alsace, as in the whole of the vosges massif, there is only one cheese recognised by the administration: the famous munster, whose excellent reputation extends far beyond the vosges ridges…

a delimited production area for an appellation d’origine contrôlée (aoc)
Appreciated since the 7th century, Munster cheese has had an AOC since 1978. This unpressed and uncooked cheese is characterised by its round shape, its rind of a beautiful orange-red colour, its slightly sticky, smooth and soft paste, its strong but deceptive smell because in the mouth this sweet perfume partially fades to give way to a rich taste of milk.
The Munster cheese made in our farm inns and matured for at least three weeks in their cellars has the right to the appellation fermier because it is made only from raw milk.
And yet, the history of Alsatian cheeses does not end there, because you only have to visit our farmers to be convinced.
There are as many Bargkass as there are manufacturing secrets. The many breeds of cows that live in the mountains are certainly a factor, as are the size of the moulds used, the temperature at which the curds are heated, the pressing time, which varies from one valley to another, and the maturing methods.
As for the semi-cooked or uncooked pressed cheeses, there are as many tommes as there are recipes passed on by word of mouth. They ferment in the half-light of vaulted cellars. They blossom according to the microflora, take on a brick or grey colour, and mature silently on the pine wood racks.
The powerful caraway of the Vosges, the sweet elderflower or the suave wild thyme perfume the paste, mixing the gourmet soul of our high stubble fields with the cylindrical, round or flattened tommes.
And the goat cheeses! Fresh and snow-white with delicate flavours to be enjoyed warm, spreadable or ripened, dry and spicy to bite into! Flavoured with cracked black pepper or wild herbs from our meadows, they await you in our farmhouse inns.

a range of flavours
The inventory of the different cheeses that flourish in the cellars of our farm inns is not yet complete. It reflects the cheese-making know-how of our farmers and innkeepers who refine their tasty specialities according to the seasons. Farmers-and innkeepers do not lack imagination to enhance the value of their products, offering gourmets and food lovers Munster coiffé, tartiflettes, raclettes or fondues, quiches with Bargkass or beautiful slices of rye bread au gratin with goat cheese.